Cold Exposure

is the ultimate experience because it requires a strong mindset, concentration and focus, and a very physical strength, control and understanding of the body.

It also requires an adventurous side and a surrender that is almost like a hypocrisy.


Finding a calmness within the chaos.

Cold exposure provides an amazing connection to nature and the surroundings but also to the self. It can be a very spiritual experience that takes one back to their roots in an organic way.

In modern times, we are more able to understand the effects of cold exposure with the help of science and that has only aided in the increased popularity of this practice.

In this retreat, participants will learn all about cold exposure from Leigh Ewin, a cold exposure expert who has learned alongside Wim Hof and a host of recognised free-divers.

Leigh is also a breathwork facilitator and educator and holds many accreditations in this field and has shared his knowledge with thousands of people globally.

Cold Exposure benefits include:

  • Cold exposure increases norepinephrine, which promotes focus, vigilance, attention, and mood

  • Cold exposure can decrease inflammation seen in arthritis

  • Therapeutic cold therapy can help with neurodegenerative disease

  • Cold increases adiponectin, which is a protein that helps with blood sugar regulation

  • Cold exposure can help decrease glycogen storages and burn fat

  • Sleeping in slightly colder temperatures improves sleep onset, time spent in deep sleep, and overall sleep satisfaction

  • Cold shock protein YB-1 is important for embryonic development and survival

  • Immersion in 14°C water for 1 hour increased metabolic rate by 350%, norepinephrine by 530%, and dopamine by 250%

  • Cold exposure activates the immune system similar to exercise and can strengthen immunity

  • Cold exposure suppresses the innate immune response and thus the white blood cell production (inflammation)

  • Fasting, exercise, heat, and cold exposure promote UCP1 (mitochondrial based cold thermogenesis - non shivering)